The popular Japanese Drama series Gokusen will a film adaptation this summer. According to Japanese sources, the movie will be set around a school or summer festival of sorts with 3-D and Yankumi attending. There are some incidences though and chaos ensues.
Reappearance of old students from season one and two such as Oguri Shun, Hiroki Narimiya, Ishigaki Yuma, Kamenashi Kazuya, Koike Teppei, Hayami Mokomichi, and Koide Keisuke. Filming for the movie finished on May 13. The picture opens in theaters on July 11.
Director: Toya Sato
Writer: Kozueko Morimoto (manga), Michiru Egashira, Yuuko Matsuda
Producer: Masatoshi Kato
Starring: Yukie Nakama, Katsuhisa Namase, Aya Hirayama, Aki Hoshino, Jiro Sato, Santaro Sakigake, Kota Ishii, Kyoko Enami, Kazuya Kamenashi, Yuya Takaki, Haruma Miura, Hideo Ishiguro, Junta Nakama, Akito Kiriyama, Shohei Miura, Tomohiro Waki, Ken Kaneko, Kenji Anan, Shinji Uchiyama, Hiroshi Ryogoku, Ken Utsui, Mokomichi Hayami, Teppei Koike, Keisuke Koide, Shun Oguri, Yuma Ishigaki, Hiroki Narimiya, Yuta Tamamori, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Riki Takeuchi, Ikki Sawamura, Kento Kaku
Yankumi (Yukie Nakama) has been assigned to oversee the toughest class in the whole school, Class 3D of Akado High School by the school principal. Being the 4th generation heir of the Oedo family, she always sacrifice herself for others and tough at fighting her opponents which include punks and gangsters. Her first priority is to tackle tough and bad students in her class.
One day, the class head of 3D Reita (Yuta Tamamori) beats up a street guy and the guy later complains with the school principal (Katsuhisa Namase). The principal later warns Yankumi to ensure her class students are not involved with anymore fights or else she would be sacked. Reita then asks her teacher not to interfere with his personal problem as he prefers to settle the problem by himself.
As a responsible and dedicated teacher Yankumi later gets involved with former student Ren (Haruma Miura) who is being sought by police for being a suspect in an illegal drug trade business. Further investigation reveals that Ren is connected to the powerful underworld drug and gangster gang. The shocked Yankumi then requests the whole class students to join her in this battle. Can they succeed and save Ren from this gang?
The official website of Gokusen: The Movie has been launched. A short movie clip can be seen on the site.
Gokusen: The Movie Trailer
Video Credit: ehrie25