The popular Korean movie “Whispering Corridors” horror series returns for a fifth series, "Whispering Corridors 5: A Blood Pledge" also known as Yeogo goedam 5: Dongban Jasal. The movie is set to be release on June 18, 2009.
Late night at the high school chapel friends swear their friendship with blood and promise that they will even die together. Then one student, Eon-ju commits suicide by jumping to her death. The remaining friends are then chased by death as their promise weights heavily over them. The school is soon covered in blood.
Cast: 손은서 (Son Eun-seo), 장경아 (Jang Kyung-ah), 오연서 (O Yeon-seo), 송민정 (Song Min-jeong), 유신애 (Yu Sin-ae)
Director: Jong-yong Lee || Writer: Jong-yong Lee
Whispering Corridors 5 - A Blood Pledge Trailer
Video Credit:AppleInstudio
Video Credit:AppleInstudio